Wednesday, June 17, 2015

This is it.

We leave for the airport in one hour. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have LOVED traveling with your children. Each and everyone of them has grown and matured. It has been amazing watching their transormation. So many times I have walked behind them in the halls of YHS and now I have walked behind them in Madrid, a capital city of over 5 million people. So many times I have asked them to be quiet in class and now I have heard them in absolut silence and awe look at Roman columns that were standing since the time of Christ. I have seen them walk along the beaches of Lewis and Clark and now I have watched them walk along the Mediterranean. They are wonderful children. This trip has been a magical experience. They will return to you EXHAUSTED and they may need a bit of time to process all that they have experienced, but I hope I give them back to you a little better for the experience that we have shared. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing them with me.
Today we got the full taste of Barcelona.  We started with a walking tour and then we took a two hour bike tour.
After the bike tour the majority of us went to the beach and had a blast.
Soon we're off to eat our final supper in Spain. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Arrived at our hotel in Barcelona a while ago. 

We found the pool on the roof of the hotel. 
A little siesta and then suppertime at 7:45 (12:45 your time)

Monday, June 15, 2015

 The Crystal Palace in Retiro Park. It was the greenhouse of an old castle that was where the park is now. This was the only building that was left when Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the rest destroyed.
The lake where you can rent boats
This morning we had a later wake up call which was nice. We first went to the Reina Sofia museum which was cool because it had more modern and Picasso like art. After that a group went to the fútbol stadium (which I did not do so I have no pictures, sorry) which is one of the largest in the world. Another group was going to go to the arts and crafts show but as we were leaving it started down pouring so we decided to just go shopping instead. Afterwards we all met up at the hotel and headed to Retiro Park which is Madrid's equivalent to central park in New York city. It was very beautiful and there was a lake where you could rent boats and go out in it. Tomorrow we're going on a bullet train to Barcelona and visiting the Sagrada Familia. I'll probably update again tomorrow. See you in a few days!
Here's a link to the Prado museum's webpage:

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The lobby of our first hotel in Granada. 

Moroccan tea house. 

One of the many olive farms in the southern Spanish country side. Olive farms are here like we have corn fields.

Olive oil and ice cream from the olive farm. 

Entrance to the Alcazar in Seville. 

Remains of Christopher Columbus in the third largest cathedral in the world. 

The old metro station where we had a salsa lesson. 

The inside of the Muslim mosque in Cordoba. 

Royal palace in Madrid. 


     I really want to apologize to parent´s that have been relying on this to keep in touch with the kids. They have been so busy that Kaisee has not had time to upload the one million photos that have been taken. We arrived in Madrid yesterday afternoon. The city itself has 3 million people. If you include the metropolitan area it jumps to 5 million. Needless to say, walking through the main thoroughfares on a Saturday night was a little overwhelming, but your children handled it well.
     Megan, Emily and I are doing our best to keep them together and happy. We do bed checks every night and have received numerous complaints on how strict our curfew is. (Really??? 11:30 is not so bad when the next morning is early and is followed by a full day of walking.) But I must admit that we´ve had very few sick kids -- a bit of heat exhaustion, upset tummy, headache and LOTS of blisters. Through it all they have been wonderful about being on time. Although I have to admit that today we have had the distinction of being the ´´last´´ a couple of times.
    The food has been plentiful, and I think they are all eating. I, like you, wish they were eating more vegetables. I leave that fight to you.
    They have been buying LOTS of souvenirs to bring home and share with you. Many of them are talking with you often...some not so much (sorry). Emily lost her phone in Cordoba. Please contact Collette Pasco and ask for Presley´s number if you need to talk to us. OR our tour guide is Luis Garcia. He is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! and speaks great English. Do not hesitate at all to call him if it is an emergency. Dial 0034-619-04-87-76
     This morning we saw the royal palace and in about an hour we are leaving the hotel to go to the Prado art museum -- one of the best in the world.
     If you talk to the kids, remind them to keep following rules and enjoy the rest o the trip. It has been so much fun so far. I hope they have enjoyed it one-tenth as much as I.
Adios -- Señora Kallis (I LOVE that this keyboard types ñ as a letter)
Tuesday we flew into Granada and met our tour guide Don Luis. Wednesday was a fun day. We started out with a scavenger hunt around Granada which was actually very fun. Afterwards we went to see the Alhambra which is a beautiful palace in Granada. Then we visited a Moroccan tea house where we were served pastry things and a mint tea that I personally thought was very good. Thursday we transferred from Granada to Seville and on the way stopped at an olive farm which was actually very interesting. We got to taste test some orange infused olive oil with chocolate ice cream which was surprisingly very tasty. Friday we went to the Alcazar, a beautiful palace in Seville. Later we took a salsa lesson in the old metro station the was converted to a little mall. Saturday we went from Seville to Cordoba to see the cathedral/mosque which was my favorite part so far. Afterwards we continued to Madrid and ate supper. This morning we went to the royal palace in Madrid and saw where the king and queen live and it was really cool. We just finished up lunch and in about an hour we're going to see the Prado museum, one of the most extensive art collections in the world.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Much apologies for no updates in the past few days. Our first hotel had poor WiFi and yesterday I got very sick. But tomorrow will be a HUGE update so be ready :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

hints on what NOT to pack from EF tours blog

The end video is fun, but does not include Spain :(

hints on plane travel from EF travel Blog

I'd like to add that I usually take a Benadryl or melatonin. They just make me sleepy. Pay attention to what is written about clothing. After we land and gather all of our groups together, we will be heading out on the bus. You can brush teeth in the airport bathroom, but you will not change clothes. It will be WARM when we land -- not like this cold and rainy weather we are having here.