Sunday, June 14, 2015


     I really want to apologize to parent´s that have been relying on this to keep in touch with the kids. They have been so busy that Kaisee has not had time to upload the one million photos that have been taken. We arrived in Madrid yesterday afternoon. The city itself has 3 million people. If you include the metropolitan area it jumps to 5 million. Needless to say, walking through the main thoroughfares on a Saturday night was a little overwhelming, but your children handled it well.
     Megan, Emily and I are doing our best to keep them together and happy. We do bed checks every night and have received numerous complaints on how strict our curfew is. (Really??? 11:30 is not so bad when the next morning is early and is followed by a full day of walking.) But I must admit that we´ve had very few sick kids -- a bit of heat exhaustion, upset tummy, headache and LOTS of blisters. Through it all they have been wonderful about being on time. Although I have to admit that today we have had the distinction of being the ´´last´´ a couple of times.
    The food has been plentiful, and I think they are all eating. I, like you, wish they were eating more vegetables. I leave that fight to you.
    They have been buying LOTS of souvenirs to bring home and share with you. Many of them are talking with you often...some not so much (sorry). Emily lost her phone in Cordoba. Please contact Collette Pasco and ask for Presley´s number if you need to talk to us. OR our tour guide is Luis Garcia. He is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! and speaks great English. Do not hesitate at all to call him if it is an emergency. Dial 0034-619-04-87-76
     This morning we saw the royal palace and in about an hour we are leaving the hotel to go to the Prado art museum -- one of the best in the world.
     If you talk to the kids, remind them to keep following rules and enjoy the rest o the trip. It has been so much fun so far. I hope they have enjoyed it one-tenth as much as I.
Adios -- Señora Kallis (I LOVE that this keyboard types ñ as a letter)

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